Caroline Sultzer + Valerie Franco
Octopus: An evening inside blood type
Performance Space New York
correspondence transcript
I know what you were going to ask and the answer is no, I was not a thumb sucker. Do you remember when in presence I held the conical device and when the button was pressed a past familiarity became immediately understood. Understood how? Wondering then how I will now, fill or substitute those desires to condition a habit of pain control. Your younger self remembered the button that facilitated the remedial efforts of this pump. Keeping the time, it marked a flooding. How can I track the device? A Role reverse where the pca becomes dependent on something to function. Although its function was only dependent on my pain. How do I cause it pain, cause it to need something else in order to “operate”. Force it to be recorded as a body. Measure its failures, inconsistencies. Cause it the need to be conditioned. The moment of understanding, then stemmed from the conditioned act of pushing, never sucking. Manifested in a fixation, of pushing onto the thumb of another, in hopes to retrieve that same satisfaction-al warm rush of an analgesic. In direct opposition to thumb sucking, where the child seeks autonomy onto the skin of itself, I pushed but never my own, acknowledging that this body could never on its own provide an adaptive response to an emotional regression. Pleasure chemically confused with the desire to numb, coming from the other. Ok lets work around chemical confusion - The process of chemicals binding within the body denatures the receptors. Preconditioned at this age it imprints structurally reforming the way in which the body is able to process sensorial input. The idea of autonomy was never at reach, but rather dependency was the way in which I contended with autonomy. Like a light pulsating touch? Something that needed the mirror of another to facilitate perpetual first impressions, now a mere series of trial and inevitably always error. Tracing the response of the other to understand how to act. Can you trace this existence in marginal space? Yea, do you remember when we first realized that they were a faggot? Marginally negotiating how to react, respond, digest, always one step back, or was it one step over? I do not maintain I do not keep up So it was initially an uncontrolled reflex - something that was later redirected - moving from being a container to a conduit. Is it easier to retain than to let go? Is it easier to let go than to retain? yeah that's good Not bad Ok what about the light? Light is sticky and loves to hold place in the body, a loud burn, the muscles can very easily take on the timing. A desire to numb the impacts, I sought answers from the bodies around - seemingly unaffected I was deemed too sensitive. I know what you are thinking, it is the familiar pain. But don’t you prefer it that way? I thought that’s what you said. Sensitivity creates limitations - things to push behind the back. Through the back. Light travels from the center of the bulb into the center of my core. Some of the most powerful ones have beams to trace, beams to count. If open to the idea the beams can pass through the body, leaving traces only through the autonomy, release is key. To redirect light through the body, it can now be physically present. Present how? I have this image, because it makes so much sense to me in terms of falling. There's a beam of light and then there's this body floating, a body of light going through my center and the arms and the legs are held back, and it's all funneled. So as it is imagined, a self strung along the beams floating above, chest up - bent backwards. Although now in hindsight, it wasn't enough to keep my body from falling again. Can stillness have a tempo? The touch of another was never quite right - pulsatile triggers - give the girl a beat. A body that was already being squeezed did not necessarily welcome the confinement of someone else’s physical touch. Unregulated lengths of the neuro and physiological plasticity. The very physical reveal of the current state of - pairing up against, creates a further push of isolation and discomfort when an abnormality is felt. Being held caused pain; my body in its early developmental stages was forced to drop out - isolated to avoid any acknowledgment of the metal bar that held up the chest deformity. The ribcage internally bearing the friction, stainless steel against bone, filed and imprinted. Physically separated from myself and others, as the body that was familiar to me, morphed for my ease. Distance is a symptom that contends with irregularities. A correctional insertion, where the body prevails permanence and memory is inescapable, holding onto the last figments before time tore them apart. Were you able to hold onto anything? I held onto the closeness of physical distance, even after the removal of the bar. And what about the chest? The chest in time will not be able to hold the cavity up on its own. It needs assistance in order to function -- for a body that will give out. Dependence is a normal part of proper pain treatment. Drag that space out for me – T he body was dependent before the mind knew this was a desire that it would try to fulfill. Where morphine has touched my body, and left marks - the first time nothing sticks, it acknowledges the whole system. And on its second run it begins to make marks. Their efficacy is often limited by a delayed response ; from a systemic first pass The drug needs to flood the entire body, before its able to affect. Chemical signatures mark the body after its initial rush because internal body systems are optimal storage pockets. The adaptability of this body, unfortunately led to its detriment. Can you remind me of the half life and about the storage of a half-life? Before a response is shown the chemical breakdown has already begun. The molecular structure of morphine is a permanent composite that will never reach net zero. Its breakdown is unlike that of a body - starting from the moment it binds the breakdown begins. It can be dated through its half life - a continual disposal of half of its volume. Zero is an unachievable construct further proof that the chemical will outlive the body. Left open, fluids* rush through it so that it can both flush and retain. Full of half lives that have , that will outlive. You have it there, to control it, you have it there so that you can control it, - is it performing onto you? Do you recover? I Manage. It forces the brain to shift how the body feels in response to pain, overpowering the bloodstream Have you ever had to lie on someone to hold them there? A favor if you may. I'd imagine you’d do the same. Body weight is realignment. It’s all just a period of production waiting for a future lack. Medicine is in fact an addition and subtraction, an addition of what is lacking and a subtraction of what is in excess. The pressure and weight of another body onto mine was presumed to be the remedy for a body out of control. Bearing weight was an addition of pains - Morphed into the seeking of an intensity - seeking to push up against the pain to harness and redirect. Body weight is now realignment, control A call back into the self. I had a dream about your younger self- floating in the clouds over the water - I was sitting, legs paralyzed - squeezed between the clouds - you were running away and through them as if they were hill tops - a responsibility to a younger self a connection like a hug that was to watch over - Full of energy and housing youth - tiny body - tiny glasses - running and laughing. Over the clouds , over the water , my body was stuck but you visited often enough… my memory of you was enough to knowthat you were okayPump to morphine to button Sub to body to body _______________ Special Thanks to Dozie Kanu, Performance Space NY For the endless support - Zhi Wei, Max Popov, Juan Garcia, Sam Warkov, Griffin Stoddard, Yve Laris Cohen Supporting Materials - Zhi Wei, Nicholas Phillips, Matas